Friday, July 02, 2021

Deserted and Divine Comedy


Closing his ears won't help
The sounds are in his ears.
Closing your eyes won't help.
The sights are in your eyes.
Holding your breath won't help.
The sighs will break out none the less

Ye who speak of love and hope
Know not
What it means 
What it means
What it means to be deserted.
My - I - what is this
Cannot say, cannot locate,
Swung from beam to beam
Pillar to post
Chasing goals shifting goal posts
Shooting at moving targets
Coming back empty handed, each time every time every single time
Some weeep with sobs
Some weep without making a sound
You who speak of love and hope
Know not what it means to be deserted

Like the zephyr that borges spoke of
stuck in a time window
black hair blue dress ... face that haunts
dissolving away into the space
where a hundred disappointments lie

Like the zephyr that borges spoke of
stuck in a time window
black hair blue dress ... face that sees across time / beyond the confines of time
dissolving away into the space
where a hundred disappointments lie buried

Like a shooting star you'll never see again
But/That which you seek for in vain

welcome to a place where
the screams can no longer be silent

was it just a dream, something i imagined
never will u find the universe in the same configuration twice
esp. when you place your all on a lost bet - probability is low that all the atoms will be in the same configuration, entropy etc.

Multiplicity is an illusion, he thought in a trance/dream-like state
he thought with a sardonic grin
One gleam of the knife
A few spurts of the blood
It took a while
Till it was all/finally over
as the knife gleamed, the blood spurted
and it was all over

Divine Comedy:

Children play in the park on a warm sunny morning. Couples walk hand in hand whispering sweet nothings

 A bent down figure, an old old woman with a scarf around her walks with a stick, slowly makes her way.

Cosmic laughter rings in the skies
And the finger of scorn points in glee at the creeping figure.

The great plan has to unfold, the great game has to have the final laugh.

"God has played a fucking joke on" shrieks the voice again and again like a demented spirit.

Thursday, July 01, 2021



