Monday, June 28, 2021

words will take the spot
as if they replace your life
just imagine, there is no god no nothing, only words, all that you have, put your all into them, because that is all you have
have to put my very being into them

Sunday, June 27, 2021

I see your smiling face, hair blowing in the wind. I hear how you speak my name and I recognize the love in your voice. And it makes me sad, because I feel it is already a memory. I can feel the love in how you packed our luggage and arranged the whole trip. And I know one day I'm going to cry.

Sunday, June 06, 2021


 Back from Rome last week. Rome, a beautiful city.

Bought Dante's Divine Comedy translated by Cary. Tremendous read, but very difficult to understand. Therefore just now (6 June 21:00)  bought Mark Musa's translation.

Right now reading Musa from a pdf version I got online.


From Inferno Canto 23:
I felt my body's skin begin to tighten,
I was so frightened!
I kept looking back
If they were following on my tracks
"Master, O my Master", I cried
"If you do not hide
Both of us and very quick
I am afraid of the civilizing whip
Right now they're on our trail
I feel they're here
I feel I hear them
I think they're here
I think I hear them