Thursday, March 16, 2023

Reality was a fiction in my head, split up like an atom,
A brave new world is conjured up in its stead.
Controlled by unseen fingers on unseen threads
Angels and demons, into each other merge and melt.
For eternal servitude, for eternal obedience,
Fish for this soul of mine.
"Did I have a soul? Was it ever eternal?"
They rip off one more layer of protection, with claims of offering protection
(Using the promise of protection to rip off one more layer of protection/ One more layer of protection gone with the promise of protection)
Sprinkled with the dust of deceit and lies, or is it the truth? I cannot tell.

Faces that show features of an angel, or features of a demon (morph)
in quick succession, melt and merge from one to the other
merge and flash, roar and lash,
For eternal servitude, for eternal obedience,
Fish for this soul of mine.
"Did I have a soul? Was it ever eternal?"

For eternal servitude and obedience of this eternal soul of mine (merge and flash, flash and roar, roar and lash)
Or did I have a soul? and was it ever eternal?
rip off one more layer of protection, with claims of offering protection
sprinkled with the dust of deceit and lies, or is it the truth? I cannot tell.

in fury they clash, roar and lash,
sprinkling water from heaven merges with the waste of the sewer
till i feel that this is what is

The rays of light in the dark form a cage and trap my brain
Engorge to galactic proportions
Twisting and bending the structure of spacetime
And the nature of reality
and I don't know no longer (know not) what is light and what is dark
what is the cage and what is not
what is inside and what is outside
and if i'm inside or outside
and whether inside is inside and outside is outside
if im standing here or am standing there
and what is meant by "here" and what is meant by "there"

A deformed sense of the structure of reality
where everything gets so twisted and bent that i do not know what i believed was true and what i believed was false
Oh in this state of blankness and numbness you can feed me anything you want and i will swallow it, both truth and false are the same to me, both hold no meaning to me

colors of the rainbow, iridescent in the sun
each a fragment of reality, or of lies, i can no longer fathom
appears beautiful, beautiful
beautiful like blooming flowers of plastic
irradiated by an electrical sun
that shoots its rays to burn or retracts them to freeze
depending on the algorithm


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